Stroki, iOS/Android, release 5.33
Book: På omveien hjem — Vilde Harr Kamfjord (Russian edition)
Publisher: Polyandria
EPUB: Stroki (Alexandra Korotaeva)
There are often dialogues in books that would be good to stand alone. In the paper layout of this Polyandria children's book, the entire text consists of dialogue with a similar design. We have preserved this beauty in EPUB with adaptation for any screens, font sizes and reader backgrounds. Also in the original layout there is a seagull flying between the dialogues, and in EPUB we have animated it a bit.
When texting and then messengers appeared in our lives, they immediately penetrated into books as an artistic device. In Stroki's originals and exclusives, we design all sorts of correspondences this way to separate them from the main text and visually approximate how they look in real messengers.