I have a few specific tasks that require either very in-depth research or a lot of time spent on manual work. Or turn to AI chatbots. The cool thing is that they already know how to answer any queries. Sometimes they lie, of course. Here are examples of the problems I come to them with.

CSS animations
When you need to come up with options for animating different elements of a book, such as the appearance of text fragments and illustrations, and you need to build a large library of code samples, and you're not a frontend developer, GhatGPT comes in handy. It also explains in detail how specific code snippets work, in the hope that you'll learn how to not only adapt existing ones, but also create your own CSS animations. Well, someday I'll learn how to do that too! And cool animated books can already be seen and read at Stroki, the further you go, the more you get.
Quotes about digital books
If anyone suddenly thinks that for a topic with quotes about the digital world from 100–200 year old works I'm going through hundreds of volumes of forgotten writers, then you think too well of me. When bilingual googling exhausted my options, I went to chatbots for broader research. At first Gemini offered some good options, but among them, it became increasingly common to find simply made-up authors and works. 'You're lying to me!' — I'd tell him, and he'd reply that he was actually just an unintelligent machine. GhatGPT copes better, but he has another problem: he digs so deep that he finds works of the XIX and XX centuries, which were not translated into Russian by anyone. And since I'm still looking for the quotes in the books I've suggested, I still have to try to translate them into Russian in a literary and literary way. So for now we are working with existing translations.
Meta descriptions for electrobooks.media
All SEO-services are always complaining that my site has something incomplete. For example, there are no meta descriptions of some tags, headings, old articles. I can't imagine where to find time to compose meta descriptions of tags, so the task went to ChatGPT. It seems logical to me that it is the robot that will write the most appropriate texts for other, search, robots. I hope they will agree on their robot language and search engines will see electrobooks.media even better.